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刘建麟研究员2009年和2013年先后毕业于湖南大学及至尊全讯555050。2017年在香港理工大学获哲学博士学位,并先后在香港理工大学和悉尼大学从事博士后研究。刘博士的研究领域是计算流体CFD在健康建筑环境、建筑通风、人体热舒适等领域的研究与应用。近五年共发表20余篇学术论文,曾获国际期刊Building and Environment的高被引论文2次。他作为IBPSA、IAUC及ISIAQ等学会会员,兼任领域内知名期刊(Building and Environment、Energy and Buildings、Applied Energy、Building Simulation等)、专业国际会议的评审人。团队有一定的博士及硕士招生名额,并与国内外院校长期交流与合作,如清华大学、香港理工大学、悉尼大学、加州大学伯克利分校等。欢迎愿意参与科研和工程训练的本科同学及在读研究生直接与我联系。个人学术主页:Scopus-Jianlin Liu Researchgate-Jianlin Liu
2013至2017 香港理工大学 屋宇设备工程系 博士
2010至2013 东 华 大 学 至尊全讯555050 工学硕士
2005至2009 湖 南 大 学 建筑环境与设备工程系 工学学士
2019-09至今 东 华 大 学 至尊全讯555050 研究员
2017-11至2019-05 悉 尼 大 学 建筑设计与规划学院 博士后
2017-03至2017-07 香港理工大学 屋宇设备工程系 博士后
2016-09至2017-03 香港理工大学 屋宇设备工程系 研究助理
2、香港特区政府研究资助局RGCCRF项目:Development of design methodologies for the improvement of wind and thermal comfort in urban environment; 2015-2018, 参与
2.Y. Xiong, J. Liu*, J. Kim, Understanding differences in thermal comfort between urban and rural residents in hot summer and cold winter climate, Building and Environment 165 (2019) 106393. IF = 4.82
3.J. Liu, J. Niu*, Delayed detached eddy simulation of pedestrian-level wind around a building array – The potential to save computing resources, Building and Environment 152 (2019) 28-38. IF = 4.82
5.J. Liu, X. Zhang, J. Niu*, K.T. Tse, Pedestrian-level wind and gust around buildings with a ‘lift-up’ design: Assessment of influence from surrounding buildings by adopting LES, Building Simulation 12(6) (2019) 1107-1118. IF = 2.238
6.J. Liu, J. Niu*, C.M. Mak, Q. Xia, Detached eddy simulation of pedestrian-level wind and gust around an elevated building, Building and Environment 125 (2017) 168-179. IF = 4.82
7.J. Liu, J. Niu*, Q. Xia, Combining measured thermal parameters and simulated wind velocity to predict outdoor thermal comfort, Building and Environment 105 (2016) 185-197. IF = 4.82
8.J. Liu, J. Niu*, CFD simulation of the wind environment around an isolated high-rise building: An evaluation of SRANS, LES and DES models, Building and Environment 96 (2016) 91-106. IF = 4.82 (Building and Environment Most Cited Article)
9.Y. Xie, J. Liu, T. Huang, J. Li, J. Niu*, C.M. Mak, T.-c. Lee, Outdoor thermal sensation and logistic regression analysis of comfort range of meteorological parameters in Hong Kong, Building and Environment 155 (2019) 175-186. IF = 4.82
10.J. Niu*, J. Liu, T.-c. Lee, Z. Lin, C. Mak, K.-T. Tse, B.-s. Tang, K.C.S. Kwok, A new method to assess spatial variations of outdoor thermal comfort: Onsite monitoring results and implications for precinct planning, Building and Environment 91(0) (2015) 263-270. IF = 4.82
11.F. Zeng, C. Lei, J. Liu, J. Niu, N. Gao*, CFD simulation of the drag effect of urban trees: Source term modification method revisited at the tree scale, Sustainable Cities and Society 56 (2020) 102079. IF = 4.624
12.Z. Fang, X. Feng, J. Liu, Z. Lin*, C.M. Mak, J. Niu, K.-T. Tse, X. Xu, Investigation into the differences among several outdoor thermal comfort indices against field survey in subtropics, Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 676-690. IF = 4.82
13.Y. Du, C.M. Mak*, J. Liu, Q. Xia, J. Niu, K.C.S. Kwok, Effects of lift-up design on pedestrian level wind comfort in different building configurations under three wind directions, Building and Environment 117 (2017) 84-99. IF = 4.82 (Building and Environment Most Cited Article)
14.Y. Xie, T. Huang, J. Li, J. Liu, J. Niu*, C.M. Mak, Z. Lin, Evaluation of a multi-nodal thermal regulation model for assessment of outdoor thermal comfort: Sensitivity to wind speed and solar radiation, Building and Environment 132 (2018) 45-56. IF = 4.82
15.Y. Xie, J. Niu*, H. Zhang, S. Liu, J. Liu, T. Huang, J. Li, C.M. Mak, Development of a multi-nodal thermal regulation and comfort model for the outdoor environment assessment, Building and Environment 176 (2020) 106809. IF = 4.82
16.Z. Fang, X. Xu, X. Zhou, S. Deng, H. Wu, J. Liu, Z. Lin*, Investigation into the thermal comfort of university students conducting outdoor training, Building and Environment 149 (2019) 26-38. IF = 4.82
17.Y. Du, C.M. Mak*, K. Kwok, K.-T. Tse, T.-c. Lee, Z. Ai, J. Liu, J. Niu, New criteria for assessing low wind environment at pedestrian level in Hong Kong, Building and Environment 123 (2017) 23-36. IF = 4.82
18.刘建麟*,牛建磊,张宇峰. (2017) 建筑架空高度及风向对行人区微气候的影响评估, 建筑科学, 33(12), 117-124.
19.刘建麟, 沈恒根*,梁珍. (2012). 露天矿坑飏尘防治用风障结构参数影响性能的模拟分析, 安全与环境学报, 12(4), 127-131.
2、2019年10月,Healthy Building 2019国际会议,子研讨Urban Microclimate and Human Thermal Comfort会主持并做主题报告